吸毒,令人抱憾終生。化名阿May的更生人士講述自己黑暗的童年,她染上毒癮,慢慢踏上販毒的不歸路,最終在19歲時被判處監禁四年。可幸的是阿May在獄中醒覺,決心改過自身。不要讓自己後悔!不要接觸毒品!Taking drugs is a remorse of a lifetime. A rehabilitated person under the pseudonym May talked about her dark childhood. She became addicted to drugs and slowly embarked on a drug-trafficking road of no return. At the age of 19, she was sentenced to four years in prison. Fortunately, May awakens in prison and is determined to change herself. Don’t let yourself regret! Stay away from drugs!