“Teddy's Dream Chair” is a children's television show hosted by Teddy. Teddy is the inventor of a “Dream Chair”. He made that special chair together with a pair of dark glasses for children to see what they can do when they grow up. By sitting on that chair and putting on the dark glasses, a child can see his or her future. In the show, only three lucky children are chosen to take their adventures. They are Herbert, Saphina and Nicholas. Before their journeys, each of them has a short conversation with Teddy. They talk about their interests. Herbert is good at studying the stars. He wants to be an astronaut. Saphina likes taking photos. Nicholas is interested in building blocks. However, Saphina and Nicholas are not sure of what they want to be in the future. Eventually, the time for travel has come. Off they go to make their own journeys on the “Dream Chair” one by one. Can the chair work out their future? Do they know what they can do when they grow up?
Teacher's notes included.
- 標籤