搜尋標籤: ""santa""

Tell Me Which

Bobo the puppet has a dream. In her dream, she meets three people. They give her a balloon, an ice cream and a present. But in the end, Bobo gets nothing. After waking up, she realizes that it is…

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老師?杰杰於聖誕假期繪畫一幅「我最喜歡的節日」的圖畫,杰杰卻茫無頭緒。玩具小天使的精靈見杰杰悶悶不樂,決定幫他一把,為他介紹聖誕節、端午節和重陽節的起源、習俗和有關的活動。杰杰從這些資料得到很多靈感,最後畫了數幅有關不同節日的圖畫。小天使在節目中介紹了這三個節日的以下資料: (一) 聖誕節 - 耶穌基督降生為人的目的。 - 聖誕樹和聖誕老人起源的傳說。 -…

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