搜尋標籤: "finance"
Life and Society "3-minute Concept" Animated Video Clips Series: (7) Personal Resource Management: Managing Finance (English subtitles available)With a view to helping students understand abstract concepts and contents in the Life and Society (Secondary 1-3) curriculum more effectively, the Personal, Social and Humanities Education (PSHE)…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
1,079 次播放
你不可不知的香港公共財政 (中文字幕可供選擇)本資源主要透過動畫、圖表和主持人解說,讓學生認識香港特區政府的理財原則、主要收支項目、影響政府收支的因素、政府與公民在公共財政的關係、香港稅制的特點,以及稅收在個人層面和社會層面的影響。
2 個讚
7,895 次播放
Things You Must Know about the Public Finance of Hong KongThis video resource aims to introduce the principles of the HKSAR Government’s financial management, major items of government revenue and expenditure, factors affecting government revenue and…
1 個讚
1,083 次播放