搜尋標籤: "fixed"

Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 9: The Hare and the Tortoise (English subtitles available)

The third episode for the social and emotional learning series introduces the idea of a growth mindset through a very familiar Aesop fable. We all know why Tortoise won the race, but why…

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   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 2 個讚 1,588 次播放


本節目旨在幫助修讀中四至中五經濟科課程的學生學習「本地生產總值」的課題。節目分別以圖表及動畫來解釋有關的基本概念,內容包括: - 本地生產總值的概念和定義 - 經濟活動的循環流程 - 從生產面、收入面及開支面計算本地生產總值 - 以「當時價格」及「固定價格」計算的本地生產總值 -…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 532 次播放