搜尋標籤: "healthy living"
Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 11: Hercules and the Nine-Headed Hydra (English subtitles available)The second episode of the culture and civilisation series was set in the peak of the ancient Greek civilisation, a time when many myths about the famous Greek gods and heroes were created.…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
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2,261 次播放
規律的生活柏仔的父母時常要求他過有規律的生活,但柏仔不明白父母的苦心,總覺得自己受到很大的束縛。相反,他的好同學賢仔,由於父母工作忙碌沒有時間看管他,所以他便過著看似自由,但實際是毫無規律的生活。 有一次,由於柏仔的父母需返內地處理要事,唯有安排柏仔在外婆家中暫住。因為柏仔的外婆無法管束柏仔,所以他的生活便越來越沒有規律:常常食無定時,而且夜睡遲起,還以零食代替正餐等等。漸漸,柏仔跟賢仔一樣,搞到時常遲到,…
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40,664 次播放
The Flying Classroom Series: Looking After Our Body (English subtitles available)One of the children in the Flying Classroom nearly fainted in the class. Miss Kelly then takes him to the doctor and finds out that he did not have breakfast in the morning and went to bed very late…
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2,424 次播放
耐藥惡菌的來襲 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)本節目的目的是傳遞健康資訊,透過耐藥性細菌的故事說明慎重使用抗生素的重要性,並宣揚保持良好個人衛生習慣可減低感染耐藥性細菌感染風險的訊息。
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64,052 次播放