搜尋標籤: "micropipette"

The methods of spread plate and pour plate (English subtitles available)

This video introduces the tools and techniques for performing spread plate and pour plate.

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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 92 次播放

Serial dilutions and plate count (English subtitles available)

When we need to estimate the amount of bacteria in a sample, we usually perform serial dilutions of the bacterial sample or broth culture sample before culturing. This is to prepare an agar plate…

   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 71 次播放

Gel electrophoresis (English subtitles available)

Gel electrophoresis is one of the most common techniques in biotechnology, which can separate DNA samples (e.g. PCR products) according to their molecular sizes under an electric field, and for…

   Kaylin Zhang 1 個讚 158 次播放

塗布平板及傾倒平板 (配以中文字幕)


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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 139 次播放

連續稀釋及數算平板 (配以中文字幕)


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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 187 次播放

凝膠電泳 (配以中文字幕)


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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 371 次播放