搜尋標籤: "proactive"

SOWIT Video: Time and Tide Wait for No Man (English subtitles available)

The SOWIT video series promotes positive values and attitudes through English sayings of wisdom (SOW). In this episode, the SOW “Time and tide wait for no man.” is introduced…

   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 2 個讚 4,637 次播放

SOWIT Video: Rome was not Built in a Day (English subtitles available)

The SOWIT video series promotes positive values and attitudes through English sayings of wisdom (SOW). In this episode, the SOW “Rome was not built in a day.” is introduced…

   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 2 個讚 5,380 次播放

SOWIT Video: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine (English subtitles available)

The SOWIT video series promotes positive values and attitudes through English sayings of wisdom (SOW). In this episode, the SOW “A stitch in time saves nine.” is introduced…

   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 2 個讚 5,223 次播放

生活與社會「桌遊學習」資源套:玩轉中一順逆境 (配以中文字幕)

個人、社會及人文教育組製作的「桌遊學習」資源套,旨在透過連結生活與社會(中一至中三)課程內容、生活經驗與遊戲,提升學生的學習興趣和動機,以及深化學習。過程中,學生投入桌上遊戲(桌遊)情境,應用知識、發展技能及培養正面價值觀和態度,並與同儕互動、解決問題及反思學習。這樣「寓學於樂」的經歷加強學生對知識的掌握,獲得的學習經歷也會更真實且深刻,有利學習和促進個人成長。 …

   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 0 個讚 1,569 次播放

SOWIT Video: Prevention is Better than Cure (English subtitles available)

The SOWIT video series promotes positive values and attitudes through English sayings of wisdom (SOW). In this episode, the SOW “Prevention is better that cure.” is…

   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 2 個讚 5,664 次播放

SOWIT Video: The Early Bird Catches the Worm (English subtitles available)

The SOWIT video series promotes positive values and attitudes through English sayings of wisdom (SOW). In this episode, the SOW “The early bird catches the worm.” is…

   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 4 個讚 9,244 次播放