With a view to helping students understand abstract concepts and contents in the Citizenship, Economics and Society (Secondary 1-3) curriculum more effectively, the Personal, Social and Humanities…
動畫 Animations 學科
個人、社會及人文教育(公民、經濟與社會) Personal 、Social and Humanities Education (Citizenship、 Economics and Society) 學習階段
第三學習階段 (中一至中三) Key Stage 3 (S1 - S3) 作者
Personal, Social and Humanities Education Section, EDB 版權聲明
The copyright belongs to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 上載日期
With a view to helping students understand abstract concepts and contents in the Citizenship, Economics and Society (Secondary 1-3) curriculum more effectively, the Personal, Social and Humanities…
動畫 Animations 學科
個人、社會及人文教育(公民、經濟與社會) Personal 、Social and Humanities Education (Citizenship、 Economics and Society) 學習階段
第三學習階段 (中一至中三) Key Stage 3 (S1 - S3) 作者
Personal, Social and Humanities Education Section, EDB 版權聲明
The copyright belongs to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 上載日期
third episode for the social and emotional learning series introduces the
idea of a growth mindset through a very familiar Aesop fable. We all know why
Tortoise won the race, but why…
短片 Short Videos 學科
English Language Education 學習階段
第二學習階段 (小四至小六) Key Stage 2 (P4 - P6)
第二學習階段 (小四) Key Stage 2 (P4)
第二學習階段 (小五) Key Stage 2 (P5)
第二學習階段 (小六) Key Stage 2 (P6) 作者
教育局外籍英語教師組、課程資源組 版權聲明
所有版權由香港特別行政區政府擁有 上載日期
1. Refer to events in the past, present and future and to the frequency with which things occur
2. Express gratitude and regret
3. Describe one’s feelings and responses to happenings and states…
English Language Education 學習階段
第三學習階段 (中一) Key Stage 3 (S1)
第三學習階段 (中一至中三) Key Stage 3 (S1 - S3) 作者
教育局課程資源組 版權聲明
所有版權由香港特別行政區政府擁有 上載日期