搜尋標籤: "run"
「閃、避、求」動畫版不論身在何處,萬一遇上暴力襲擊,市民應時刻緊記「閃、避、求」。 閃──逃走。以安全路線逃走。 避──躲藏。如無法逃走,尋找掩護物躲藏。不要使用發聲或發光裝置。 求──舉報。在安全情況下致電999報警。
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
874 次播放
Happy School Days1. Describe daily simple actions 2. Learn and talk about the five senses 3. Give a simple description of oneself and others in terms of name, occupation, habits and abilities
1 個讚
6,985 次播放
The Story of Money (English subtitles available)This programme is to introduce the definitions and functions of money, the history of paper money, the functions and services of banks, and the concept of credit creation.
0 個讚
576 次播放