搜尋標籤: "share"
"In Love We Share, In Love We Grow" Animation Series – "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." (Oscar WILDE) (English subtitles available)To enrich students' English learning experiences and foster the development of proper values and attitudes through appreciating the beauty and meaning of English sayings of wisdom, the animation…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
284 次播放
"In Love We Share, In Love We Grow" Animation Series – "Friendship is a sheltering tree." (Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE) (English subtitles available)To enrich students' English learning experiences and foster the development of proper values and attitudes through appreciating the beauty and meaning of English sayings of wisdom, the animation…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
175 次播放
"In Love We Share, In Love We Grow" Animation Series – "In love of home, the love of country has its rise." (Charles DICKENS) (English subtitles available)To enrich students' English learning experiences and foster the development of proper values and attitudes through appreciating the beauty and meaning of English sayings of wisdom, the animation…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
125 次播放
趣味數學(二)本節目旨在鞏固學生掌握數學的基本概念和計算技巧,從而引發學生對數學學習的興趣,並藉此培養學生的數字感。 教師在使用本節目時,宜引導學生進行對數字及其運算的探究,並鼓勵學生跳出固有框架思考。
0 個讚
7,486 次播放
平均數本節目透過故事情節和日常生活事例(例如:平均溫度)讓學生認識平均數,和如何計算平均數。 節目還會利用不同年輕人的身高和體重,計算平均身高和平均體重;個別成績和平均成績等,讓學生明白平均數的意義。 為使節目能達到最佳的效果,教師可在教授有關學習重點時給學生觀看。 同時,教師可利用日常生活例子和學生討論平均數的使用。
1 個讚
11,927 次播放