搜尋標籤: "symbols"
The Symbols of our Nation and Hong Kong SAR: the National Flag, the National Anthem and the Regional Flag (English subtitles available)This resource, in the form of a video, brings out the importance of respecting the symbols of our nation and Hong Kong SAR – the national flag, the national anthem and the regional…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
3,786 次播放
Music Everywhere (English subtitles available)1.Ask and describe various kinds of music and songs, e.g., hip hop music, Chinese opera, jazz 2.Making a simple musical instrument 3. Learn about the names of some western musical instruments 4.…
0 個讚
1,406 次播放
Electricity and Circuits (English subtitles available)This programme is divisible into 8 segments as follows: 1. Closed circuit A model of water circulation system is used to explain the movement of charges inside a copper wire. The charges inside the…
0 個讚
967 次播放
元素和化合物本節目分成三個部分。 (一) 元素 - 元素的分類:以形態來分類,可分成固體、液體及氣體元素;除此之外,亦可分成金屬及非金屬元素。 - 金屬元素的性質:金屬元素表面通常都帶有光澤,並可以輾壓成薄片或拉成線條。把金屬加熱,可使其軟化變形,甚至熔為液體。金屬元素是良好的導熱體和導電體。 - 非金屬元素的性質:非金屬元素表面一般不帶光澤,堅硬度低。除石墨之外,非金屬元素一般均不能導電。 -…
0 個讚
5,304 次播放
Elements and CompoundsThis programme is divisible into 3 parts as follows: 1. Elements - Classification of Elements: according to their different states, elements can be classified as solid, liquid and gas. Besides,…
0 個讚
1,980 次播放
電和電路本節目分成八個部分。 1. 閉合電路 利用一水流裝置作模擬,解釋當銅線內的電荷在電池推動之下,會循著一個方向流動,形成電流。由各種不同元件組合而讓電流通過的排列稱為電路。當電流通過所有元件而完成一個完整循環,就形成一個閉合電路。 2.…
0 個讚
3,914 次播放