搜尋標籤: "values education stories"
德育故事系列──(八) 擁有四個博士學位的人 Values Education Stories Series: (8) A Person Who Holds Four Doctoral Degrees本故事是關於一名集牧師、大學教授、管風琴專家於一身的年輕德國人在29歲那年再讀醫科去非洲傳教的事跡。 The story of a young German who is a priest, tenured university professor and pipe organ guru.He decided to study medicine from square…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
706 次播放
德育故事系列──(七)城市人都是冷漠的嗎? Values Education Stories Series: (7) Are city residents indifferent?本聲音檔從一宗影響深遠的謀殺案反思一般人怎樣深受傳媒的影響。 This sound file revisits a textbook murder case and helps audience to reflect on the impacts of media.
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
359 次播放
德育故事系列──(六)香港女兒 Values Education Stories Series: (6) The Daughter of Hong Kong故事講述謝婉雯醫生的事跡。謝醫生生於香港,在香港接受醫科訓練。她在2003年SARS疫情最危急的時候為香港犧牲了自己。 This story is about the life of Dr Joanna Tse Yeun-man. Dr Tse was born in Hong Kong. She received medical training locally.…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
1,217 次播放