搜尋標籤: "week"
Award Presentation Ceremony for the SOW Campaign 2023/24The Award Presentation Ceremony for the SOW Campaign 2023/24 was successfully held on 5 October, 2024 (Sat) to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of schools and students in various SOW…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
81 次播放
Planning for Learning Activities on National Education Series - Science Week (English subtitles available)Through organising the Science Week, the school creates a learning environment and atmosphere for students to understand the achievements of our country in science and technology as well as develop…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
138 次播放
規劃國民教育學習活動系列──理科周 (配以中文字幕)學校通過舉辦「理科周」,為學生創設學習環境和氛圍,讓全校學生「動手」又「動腦」,認識國家在科學和科技發展的成就,培養國民身份認同。
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
2 個讚
841 次播放
The Award Presentation Ceremony for the SOW Campaign 2021/22The Award Presentation Ceremony for the SOW Campaign 2021/22 was successfully held on 10 December, 2022 (Sat) to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of schools and students in various SOW…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
170 次播放
時間(一)節目開始時,講述天頴睡前跟布偶丁丁唱《時鐘歌》,並告訴丁丁已經是晚上九時正,應該要睡覺了。 天頴在熟睡中被丁丁叫醒,更發現丁丁變大了,他們不知道自己身在何處,便到處走走看看,展開一段有趣的旅程。 天頴和丁丁碰到時鐘先生,他教導丁丁如何閱讀行針鐘,以時、半小時或大約時間報時,丁丁能說出天頴每日起床、上學、回家和睡覺的時間。之後,他們又碰到甜甜圈小姐,原來甜甜圈小姐在一星期七天中,每天有不同的味道…
3 個讚
50,410 次播放