消防處推廣的應急知識分為「識滅火」、「識自救」和 「識逃生」三大範疇,合稱「應急三識」,分別指防火滅火、救人自救以及疏散逃生,並以紅、黃、綠三種顏色代表,讓市民更容易明白。掌握「應急三識」,有助加強應對危難或突發事故的能力。The emergency preparedness skills promoted by the Fire Services Department (FSD) can be grouped into three broad categories, namely “Extinguish and Prevent Fire”, “Self-help and Help Others” and “Escape and Evacuate”. Represented by three different colours, i.e. red, yellow and green, these skills are collectively termed the “three basic skills on emergency preparedness”. Getting a good grasp of the “three basic skills on emergency preparedness” will help strengthen your capabilities in dealing with emergencies or contingencies.
- 標籤