天然植物一定有益?吸食大麻唔會令身體不適?NO!不如等我哋同大家講下大麻有害嘅知識。大家切勿誤信偶爾吸食大麻無大害,事實上,吸食大麻會令人上癮,亦會對身體造成嚴重傷害,例如會造成不可逆轉的認知功能受損、患上精神病、產生焦慮和幻覺、患上呼吸道和心血管疾病等。大麻係毒品,食咗會上癮!向毒品說不,你同我都得!Natural plants must be good for health? Don’t you think smoking cannabis won’t cause any harmful effects on body? NO! Let us tell you about the harmfulness of the cannabis. Don’t mistakenly believe that occasional cannabis smoking is harmless. In fact, smoking cannabis can be addictive and cause serious physical harm. For instance, it can cause irreversible cognitive impairment, mental illness, anxiety and hallucinations, and heighten risks of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases etc. Cannabis is a drug which is addictive. Stand firm! Knock drugs out!
- 標籤