The story of the programme is about the business of a gift shop operated by three youngsters. The meaning of percent and percentage and the calculation of percentages are reviewed through the division of investment in business. The gain percentage and loss percentage are introduced with the comparison of the various monthly turnovers and changes in selling prices. In the procurement of a computer set for the shop, the idea of growth and the calculation of growth percentage are elaborated.
In talking about their income, the shop owners show concern about their contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes. The calculation of the contribution to the Schemes is a practical example of using percentages.
The last part of the programme displays the different ways of calculating interest for a deposit in a bank. Students are guided to recognize the meaning of some related terms: principal, interest rate, period, amount, simple interest and compound interest. It also compares the difference between simple interest and compound interest. The calculation of compound interest is treated as the accumulated result of repeated calculations of simple interest.
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