搜尋標籤: "導體"
Energy and use of solar energy (English subtitles available)Energy is defined as the ability to do work. It is vitally important to develop more efficient and environmentally friendly techniques for energy sources to keep modern society moving…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
87 次播放
Quantum dot - from LED to a new generation of display (English subtitles available)A quantum dot is a tiny semiconductor particle with diameters of 2-10 nm. It is widely used in the display unit of modern devices, such as Television, mobile phones and tablets. Red,…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
59 次播放
量子點──從LED到新一代顯示器 (中文字幕可供選擇)量子點是一種極細小的半導體粒子,直徑2-10納米,它廣泛應用於電視、手機、平板電腦等現代設備的顯示屏。紅色、綠色、藍色 (RGB) LED是顯示的基本元件,而近代的Q-LED 顯示器比傳統 LED 顯示器具有更高的色域和能源效率。
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
126 次播放
熱的傳遞 (中文字幕可供選擇)藉着翔仔和小強在陳老師家中遇到的連串怪事和所進行的實驗,說明熱傳遞的三種過程──傳導、對流和輻射,以及這三種熱傳遞方式在日常生活中的應用。
4 個讚
35,319 次播放