搜尋標籤: "關愛"
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
987 次播放
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
994 次播放
Chinese Virtues from Ancient to Modern Times - Traditional Virtues and Positive Values Learning Resource Package Theme: Benevolence (Senior Primary) (English subtitles available)This learning and teaching resource enables students to understand the meaning of the traditional Chinese virtue "Benevolence" and its practice in ancient and modern life through…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
602 次播放
Chinese Virtues from Ancient to Modern Times - Traditional Virtues and Positive Values Learning Resource Package Theme: Propriety (Junior Secondary) (English subtitles available)This learning and teaching resource enables students to understand the meaning of the traditional Chinese virtue "Propriety" and its practice in ancient and modern life through…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
219 次播放
Chinese Virtues from Ancient to Modern Times - Traditional Virtues and Positive Values Learning Resource Package Theme: Propriety (Senior Primary) (English subtitles available)This learning and teaching resource enables students to understand the meaning of the traditional Chinese virtue "Propriety" and its practice in ancient and modern life through…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
264 次播放
Chinese Virtues from Ancient to Modern Times - Traditional Virtues and Positive Values Learning Resource Package Theme: Filial Piety (Junior Secondary) (English subtitles available)This learning and teaching resource enables students to understand the meaning of the traditional Chinese virtue "Filial Piety" and its practice in ancient and modern life…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
1 個讚
328 次播放
Chinese Virtues from Ancient to Modern Times - Traditional Virtues and Positive Values Learning Resource Package Theme: Filial Piety (Senior Primary) (English subtitles available)This learning and teaching resource enables students to understand the meaning of the traditional Chinese virtue "Filial Piety" and its practice in ancient and modern life…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
414 次播放
Chinese Virtues from Ancient to Modern Times - Traditional Virtues and Positive Values Learning Resource Package Theme: Benevolence (Junior Secondary) (English subtitles available)This learning and teaching resource enables students to understand the meaning of the traditional Chinese virtue "Benevolence" and its practice in ancient and modern life…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
212 次播放
小小音樂盒 (講故事資源)歡樂島住了一羣貓兒,他們分別住在港鎮和山上。港鎮上的貓兒生活安定,無憂無慮;山上的貓公公、貓婆婆孤苦伶仃,經常失眠。欣欣希望藉着贈送音樂盒,為公公婆婆帶來歡樂,她的願望能否實現呢? *可從附件中下載《小小音樂盒》講故事資源。 故事內容可參考相關動畫: …
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
726 次播放
鴨鴨的家園 (講故事資源)東尼鴨和安妮鴨到處尋找建設家園的地方,最後他們決定在河口的泥灘邊築堤建屋。有一天,潮水沖毀了堤圍,水筆仔立即伸出援手,把幼苗插在泥灘上,可是水筆仔太細小了,數量也不多,以致無法阻擋潮水的沖擊,他們最終能否成功重修堤圍呢? *可從附件中下載《鴨鴨的家園》講故事資源。 故事內容可參考相關動畫: …
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
1,195 次播放