搜尋標籤: "addition reaction"


本節目為學生的知識增益節目,旨在給學生介紹以下反應的反應機理,以更深入了解有關反應: 1. 烯烴的加氫作用 2. 烯烴與鹵化氫/鹵素的加成作用 3. 鹵烷的取代反應

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   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 612 次播放

Reaction Mechanisms of Selected Organic Reactions (English subtitles available)

The programme is for students’ knowledge enrichment. It aims to help students better understand the following reactions by visualising their reaction mechanisms 1. addition of hydrogen to…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 189 次播放