搜尋標籤: "agar plate"

The method of streak plate (English subtitles available)

Streak plate can isolate a single bacterium and the colony formed on the agar plate. This video introduces the flame-sterilisation of inoculating loop, the technique of performing streak plate, as…

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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 86 次播放

The methods of spread plate and pour plate (English subtitles available)

This video introduces the tools and techniques for performing spread plate and pour plate.

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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 92 次播放

Culturing bacteria (English subtitles available)

This video introduces the method of culturing bacteria, which includes the transfer of one single colony or a tiny amount of broth culture to a new agar plate or a fresh broth using the aseptic…

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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 65 次播放

Preparing culture media and pouring an agar plate (English subtitles available)

This video introduces the method of preparing culture media and pouring agar plates, including autoclaving of agar solution, reagent bottles and Petri dishes. Besides the important practices for…

   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 87 次播放

平板劃線 (配以中文字幕)


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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 230 次播放

塗布平板及傾倒平板 (配以中文字幕)


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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 141 次播放

培養細菌 (配以中文字幕)


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   Kaylin Zhang 0 個讚 242 次播放