搜尋標籤: "appearance"
Citizenship, Economics and Society "3-minute Concept" Animated Video Clips Series: (8) Self-concept (English subtitles available)With a view to helping students understand abstract concepts and contents in the Citizenship, Economics and Society (Secondary 1-3) curriculum more effectively, the Personal, Social and Humanities…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
283 次播放
顏色的科學本節目分成八個部分: 1. 日光的幻影 在本節中描述在自然界內,各種物體都會表現出不同的色彩。並簡單介紹科學家牛頓發現利用三稜鏡產生色光的過程。 2.…
0 個讚
1,621 次播放
The Science of Colours of Light (English subtitles available)The programme is divided into 8 segments: 1. Illusion of light Interesting examples are used to illustrate colours of different objects in nature. A vivid description of how Issac Newton discovered…
0 個讚
919 次播放
Aunt Mary's friends (English subtitles available)1. Draw attention to people and things and describe them briefly 2. Give a simple account of things that have happened and things that people did in the past 3. Ask for and give explanations 4. Learn…
1 個讚
3,368 次播放
論盡青春期 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)本資源中的影片以幾位年青人踏入青春期時面對的問題,帶出一些青春期 常見的心理及生理變化。影片透過「性好奇小精靈」的解說,為學生提供 性知識和建立正確的態度。
7 個讚
48,774 次播放