搜尋標籤: "colour"

Citizenship, Economics and Society "3-minute Concept" Animated Video Clips Series: (16) The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (English subtitles available)

With a view to helping students understand abstract concepts and contents in the Citizenship, Economics and Society (Secondary 1-3) curriculum more effectively, the Personal, Social and Humanities…

   edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying 0 個讚 19 次播放


本節目分成八個部分: 1. 日光的幻影 在本節中描述在自然界內,各種物體都會表現出不同的色彩。並簡單介紹科學家牛頓發現利用三稜鏡產生色光的過程。 2.…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 1,529 次播放

The Science of Colours of Light

The programme is divided into 8 segments: 1. Illusion of light Interesting examples are used to illustrate colours of different objects in nature. A vivid description of how Issac Newton discovered…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 902 次播放

Fun with Colour Idioms

There are idioms using colours to describe people and things in our daily conversation, songs and even nursery rhymes. Come and learn to use the green, red, white, black and blue idioms together.

   ronson@hkecl.net 2 個讚 4,247 次播放