搜尋標籤: "black"

區區去「打卡」──屯門區 (中文字幕可供選擇)


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   edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying 0 個讚 119 次播放

日佔時期的港人生活 Hong Kong People’s Livelihood during the Japanese Occupation ( 中、英文字幕可供選擇) (Chinese and English subtitles available)

本短片透過博物館展品和受訪者分享,簡述日佔時期香港市民悲慘的生活。 This video briefly describes the miserable livelihood of Hong Kong people during the Japanese Occupation through the museum exhibits and the interviews.

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   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 1 個讚 4,800 次播放

Fun with Colour Idioms (English subtitles available)

There are idioms using colours to describe people and things in our daily conversation, songs and even nursery rhymes. Come and learn to use the green, red, white, black and blue idioms together.

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   ronson@hkecl.net 2 個讚 4,401 次播放

Unifying Concepts in Science (English subtitles available)

Professor LAM Hon-ming and the presenter explain the four overarching and cross-boundary unifying concepts with different examples in the Science (S1-3) curriculum, and inspire students to discover…

   ronson@hkecl.net 1 個讚 1,018 次播放



   ronson@hkecl.net 1 個讚 2,375 次播放