搜尋標籤: "emotions"
Once Upon A Book Storytelling Showcase Episode 6: The Rainbow Fish (English subtitles available)In this captivating episode, we explore The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister, a heartwarming story that teaches the importance of empathy. Dual storytellers bring the narrative to life with a…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
379 次播放
Once Upon A Book Storytelling Showcase Episode 3: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (English subtitles available)In this captivating episode, we delve into The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, a tale rich in themes of courage and friendship. Our storytellers employ dynamic voice techniques to…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
1,091 次播放
Once Upon A Book Storytelling Showcase Episode 2: The Empty Pot (English subtitles available)In this episode, we explore The Empty Pot by Demi, a heartfelt story that teaches the values of integrity and law-abidingness. Our storyteller uses vibrant backdrops and engaging props to vividly…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
1,363 次播放
生活與社會「桌遊學習」資源套:嬲嬲熊 (配以中文字幕)個人、社會及人文教育組製作的「桌遊學習」資源套,旨在透過連結生活與社會(中一至中三)課程內容、生活經驗與遊戲,提升學生的學習興趣和動機,以及深化學習。過程中,學生投入桌上遊戲(桌遊)情境,應用知識、發展技能及培養正面價值觀和態度,並與同儕互動、解決問題及反思學習。這樣「寓學於樂」的經歷加強學生對知識的掌握,獲得的學習經歷也會更真實且深刻,有利學習和促進個人成長。 …
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
1 個讚
2,518 次播放
If You’re Happy, You Should Show It (English subtitles available)This is a great action song for teaching the theme of emotions and feelings.
0 個讚
1,083 次播放
If You’re Happy, You Should Show It (second version) (English subtitles available)This is a great action song for teaching the theme of emotions and feelings.
0 個讚
1,163 次播放
情緒的主人樂怡被弟弟刪除了儲存在數碼相機的檔案,令她無法準時遞交小組專題研習報告。她和同學因此而被扣分。樂怡感到很憤怒,因她認為弟弟存心作弄自己。她又不滿媽媽偏袒弟弟,沒有嚴懲他。對於同學的埋怨,樂怡感到委屈。經羅老師開解後,樂怡消除了對弟弟的偏見,憤怒的情緒得以平服。羅老師更邀請她參加「情緒探熱針」小組,讓她學會怎樣加強對己對人的情緒覺察能力。 穎雯是樂怡的好同學。穎雯成功說服媽媽,讓她不用補習數學。不…
3 個讚
21,898 次播放
快樂小人兒 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)節目透過康仔、阿怡、阿德三位同學的學校生活片段,帶出彼此相處時可能引發的衝突及壓力和負面的情緒,並指出能及時妥善處理此等壓力和負面情緒,有助增進彼此間融洽和諧共處。 康仔在接力選拔賽中落敗後,繼而因匆忙間遺失了做勞作的材料(一包雪條棍)而被阿德責備。他感到極度沮喪,並在爭吵間與阿德打起架來,令阿德手部受傷。後來兩人經老師們的勸勉和輔導,才能和好如初,而他們的好朋友阿怡亦透過這次事件更深刻…
3 個讚
17,044 次播放
Looking for Happy Faces (English subtitles available)Mr Paphy has a magic formula of making people look happy. Let's learn the synonyms and antonyms for "happy" in this programme.
2 個讚
4,574 次播放