搜尋標籤: "frog"
Once Upon A Book Storytelling Showcase Episode 5: Tiddalick: The frog who caused a flood (English subtitles available)Tiddalick: The frog who caused a flood by Robert Roennfeldt is a captivating tale that emphasises the significance of sharing and respecting our environment. The story is about Tiddalick, who drinks…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
186 次播放
Where's the Frog? (English subtitles available)1. Identify common animals found in Hong Kong 2. Talk about locations 3. Ask and describe what food animals eat 4. Develop an awareness on the protection of environment
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5,644 次播放
拯救野生生物行動(上集)(一) 天羅地網 先以模擬案件介紹漁農自然護理署人員在出入境口岸與香港海關合作遏止旅客違法入口受【動植物(瀕危物種保護)條例】管制的瀕危動植物的行動,包括沒收有關物品。隨即介紹【動植物(瀕危物種保護)條例】與【瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約】的關係及對瀕危物種貿易的管制類別和許可證制度。繼而以模擬查牌事件介紹【動植物(瀕危物種保護)條例】中擁有或買賣瀕危物種的許可證制度及違例的罰則。 (二)…
1 個讚
3,403 次播放