搜尋標籤: "surface area"
Areas and Volumes (English subtitles available)1. Introduce Dissection Method and Fill Up Method for the calculation of the areas of polygons 2. Deduce and apply the formula for the area of a circle 3. Understand the volumes of cubes, cuboids,…
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602 次播放
續面積和體積(一) (中文字幕可供選擇)主持人首先剪開圓錐體紙杯來介紹弧和扇形,然後利用圓心角,扇形角,圓周和圓的面積,計算弧長和扇形的面積;並以演示數學家阿基米德在公元前二百多年的發現,以介紹圓錐、棱錐和球形的體積,以及直立圓錐和球形的表面面積。節目還示範如何運用上述的概念和公式解決日常生活問題或數學問題。
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1,332 次播放
More about Areas and Volumes (1) (English subtitles available)The concepts of arc and sector are first introduced by cutting open a cone cup. Then, students are guided to find the arc length and the area of a sector from the angle at the centre, angle of the…
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657 次播放
More about Areas and Volumes (2) (English subtitles available)Nicole and Johnny discuss and solve the problem related to the volume of frustum, and use the relationships between sides, surfaces and volumes of similar figures.
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752 次播放