搜尋標籤: "what"

Brian and His Bike Series: My Body

Billy the Bike feels upset that he has not got a pair of hands. He is jealous of Ted the Teddy Bear who can always have fun with Brian when they catch bubbles and play ball games together. He…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 2,157 次播放

What's the Magic Word?

1. Express and respond to thanks 2. Make simple requests 3. Talk about personal possessions

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 2,576 次播放

Rain or Sunshine

1. Describe the daily weather

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 1,176 次播放

Jimmy's Solution

1. Ask for and give advice on simple matters such as skateboarding on busy streets 2. Justify one’s behaviour and point of view in simple situations in discussions and find a solution 3. Seek…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 394 次播放

Happy School Days

1. Describe daily simple actions 2. Learn and talk about the five senses 3. Give a simple description of oneself and others in terms of name, occupation, habits and abilities

   ronson@hkecl.net 1 個讚 6,445 次播放


1. 明白重視家庭及道德是中國思想文化的重要特質 2. 欣賞及秉承這些優良文化

   ronson@hkecl.net 1 個讚 4,106 次播放

Where's the Frog?

1. Identify common animals found in Hong Kong 2. Talk about locations 3. Ask and describe what food animals eat 4. Develop an awareness on the protection of environment

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 5,291 次播放

Andy's Choice

1. Refer to events in the past, present and future and to the frequency with which things occur 2. Express gratitude and regret 3. Describe one’s feelings and responses to happenings and states…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 414 次播放

Eating Like a Bird

Have you heard people using idioms in their conversations? What’s an idiom? An idiom is a group of words that has a special meaning different from what each separate word means. To understand…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 2,523 次播放

Start Your Own Newspaper

1. Seek information and respond to enquiries about how a newspaper is made 2. Invite, make and refuse suggestions and proposals in group work such as discussions and conducting interviews

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 206 次播放