搜尋標籤: "how"
Interviewing a Celebrity (English subtitles available)Samuel and Agnes have to interview a famous people and then write a report. Samuel wants to interview Raman Hui, the animator of the film “Shrek”. Agnes wants to interview a singer. To do…
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1,269 次播放
Enhancing Pupils' Presentation Skills Part 1 (English subtitles available)"Enhancing Pupils' Presentation Skills" are shown in two parts. Part One is for teachers teaching lower form pupils and Part Two is for upper form teachers. The whole programme aims to…
0 個讚
598 次播放
Reflection and Refraction of Light (English subtitles available)The programme is divided into 4 segments: 1. Light travels in straight line Sun, stars, flames and lamps give out light. Objects that give out light are called “luminous objects”.…
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2,148 次播放
What's the Magic Word? (English subtitles available)1. Express and respond to thanks 2. Make simple requests 3. Talk about personal possessions
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2,768 次播放
兒童怎樣學習數學本節目透過兒童計數實錄、訪問和課堂片段,帶出了兒童數學的基本原則: 1. 實際經驗是兒童學習數學的基礎;2. 兒童能主動建構數學知識;3. 數學活動應注重趣味性以維持兒童的興趣和專注力。
1 個讚
2,307 次播放
Jimmy's Solution (English subtitles available)1. Ask for and give advice on simple matters such as skateboarding on busy streets 2. Justify one’s behaviour and point of view in simple situations in discussions and find a solution 3. Seek…
0 個讚
542 次播放
Ten Little Rabbits (English subtitles available)1. Identify simple objects and describe their sizes and shapes 2. Talk about quantities 3. Make simple requests
0 個讚
4,093 次播放
Show and Tell (English subtitles available)It is Show and Tell time today. Candy brings a small bone of a Dodo to school, but it is broken by her classmate Max on the school bus. Candy decides to find something special on her own this time.…
0 個讚
2,049 次播放
Enhancing Pupils' Presentation Skills Part 2 (English subtitles available)"Enhancing Pupils' Presentation Skills" are shown in two parts. Part One is for teachers teaching lower form pupils and Part Two is for upper form teachers. The whole programme aims to…
0 個讚
739 次播放
Who Needs Good Manners? (English subtitles available)1. Describe simple processes and situations such as table setting and food ordering 2. Draw others’ attention to people and things and describe them briefly 3. Make simple comparison of…
0 個讚
4,103 次播放
Start Your Own Newspaper (English subtitles available)1. Seek information and respond to enquiries about how a newspaper is made 2. Invite, make and refuse suggestions and proposals in group work such as discussions and conducting interviews
0 個讚
224 次播放
Say No to Chinglish! 4 (English subtitles available)In a yes/no question game, you will learn about the use of short answers, names and occupations of some famous people around the world.
1 個讚
3,883 次播放
In and Out with Phrasal Verbs (English subtitles available)What is a phrasal verb? With the explanation of the presenter Kent, you can learn how to use some common phrasal verbs with “in” and “out” when talking about computers and…
1 個讚
3,268 次播放
A Very Special Picnic (English subtitles available)This video resource tells the story of a very special picnic of Charles and Amanda with her parents. At the picnic spot, they find some very special visitors.
2 個讚
9,957 次播放