搜尋標籤: "when"


本節目分為五部分: (一) 逃生之路 根據消防處資料,每一宗火警情況都不相同,但當聽到火警警報響起或發現火警時,必須迅速行動,尤其應採取措施,避免吸入濃煙,因為大多數火災受害者是因為吸入濃煙而致命的。以下節錄由消防處提供的有關資料,以供教師參考。 (1) 若居住的單位失火 (a) 保持鎮定。 (b) 呼喚單位內所有人離開。 (c) 離開時關上所有門。 (d)…

   ronson@hkecl.net 2 個讚 9,055 次播放

Know Your Neighbours, Mind Your Manners

When you meet your new neighbours, what will you do and say? Will you introduce yourself first? Will you make small talk? Will you help your neighbours out when they are in need? Using good manners…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 2,378 次播放



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Preventing and Extinguishing Fire

This programme is divisible into 5 segments as follows: 1. Escaping from a fire According to the information from the Fire Services Department, every fire accidents is a unique event. We should act…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 1,175 次播放

When I Grow Up

Miss Davis asks her class to do an oral presentation on the topic “When I Grow Up”. At first, Agnes cannot think of anything to say on this topic. With the teacher’s help and tips…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 3,713 次播放

Tell Me When

The Late family always gets up late. They are then late for work and school. Cuckoo the puppet wants to help them.

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 7,760 次播放

Start Your Own Newspaper

1. Seek information and respond to enquiries about how a newspaper is made 2. Invite, make and refuse suggestions and proposals in group work such as discussions and conducting interviews

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 206 次播放