搜尋標籤: "work"
The Dog Show 3 (English subtitles available)Some may dream of becoming a professor or a doctor one day, so may dogs! Let’s explore the fascinating work of Professor Paw and Doctor Dogs, and how a group of volunteers are saving the…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
1 個讚
1,788 次播放
粒粒皆辛苦中國以農立國,老百姓深諳食物得來不易,「有衣食」自然就成為了中國人的傳統價值。 香港現今社會富裕,大部分年青人衣食無憂,未必懂得珍惜食物和體會到為他們準備食物的人的努力和心思。透過「即場分份」、「午餐飯盒」和「家長送飯」三個向學童提供午膳的模式,本節目讓學生認識均衡飲食和珍惜食物的重要性。
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18,335 次播放
知識產權及私隱權常識科老師著小四班同學以二人一組完成有關香港旅遊業的專題研習。郭家聰和程芷珊學習態度積極,打算探討最受遊客歡迎的十大景點,並利用問卷搜集來自不同地區/國家的遊客的意見。王耀成和馮詩詩的一組打算從網上抄襲一些資料,拼湊成一個有關「外地遊客對香港的觀感」的專題研習報告。 放學時程芷珊在電梯大堂遇到陌生男子向她搭訕及索取個人資料。在與陌生人面對面的情況下,她意識到潛在的危險,拒絕了陌生人的要求。但回家…
2 個讚
14,900 次播放
Enriching English Lessons with FilmsThis programme explores how a junior English teacher is teaching film appreciation in a S0 class and how another sixth form teacher is engaging his students with constructive discussions on a film.
0 個讚
277 次播放
Travelling by BoatTravelling by boat is fun. Steven and Joyce spend their day looking for their favourite boat ride in Aberdeen, Causeway Bay, Central and Tsim Sha Tsui. During their search, they see different kinds…
1 個讚
3,282 次播放
Using Films in English Language LessonsThis programme explores how films help to improve students' English skills and encourage collaborative learning and critical thinking.
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143 次播放
2 個讚
22,165 次播放