搜尋標籤: "寬恕"
Chinese Virtues from Ancient to Modern Times - Traditional Virtues and Positive Values Learning Resource Package Theme: Benevolence (Senior Primary) (English subtitles available)This learning and teaching resource enables students to understand the meaning of the traditional Chinese virtue "Benevolence" and its practice in ancient and modern life through…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
593 次播放
處世的智慧-反省和寛恕 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)本資源有助學生培養學生反省、寬恕和尊重別人的美德,學習與人和諧共處,以及認識一些學習解決日常紛爭的簡單技巧和明白中華文化可作為待人處事的參考。
8 個讚
24,292 次播放