搜尋標籤: "central"



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文明築跡 (香港古建築遊賞)

1. 本港法定古建築的介紹和欣賞 2. 有關建築的歷史、文化知識 3. 對古建築珍惜、愛護之情和探究之意的培養

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本節目以一個虛擬的情境,讓兩兄妹明仔和珠女在一次拍攝貼紙相的時候,由一卡通電腦人物帶領進入電腦裏面,漫遊電腦世界,從而認識電腦的各個基本組成部件,包括輸入裝置、中央處理器、儲存裝置、及輸出裝置。 本節目透過實物拍攝,動畫製作和鏡頭下周圍環境的電腦應用,介紹電腦的各個基本組成部件,讓學生對電腦運作和有關設備有著一個初步認識,籍此來提高學生應用資訊科技於學習中的興趣。

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Getting Around by Tram

Have you ever been on a tourist tram? What would you want to see when you travel around Hong Kong by tram? Joyce and Edmund find it relaxing to see places and buildings on their ride from Kennedy…

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Travelling by Boat

Travelling by boat is fun. Steven and Joyce spend their day looking for their favourite boat ride in Aberdeen, Causeway Bay, Central and Tsim Sha Tsui. During their search, they see different kinds…

   ronson@hkecl.net 1 個讚 3,192 次播放

More about Measures of Central Tendency

The relative merits of different measures of central tendency for a given situation are first introduced. The emcees explore and make conjectures on the effect of the central tendency of the data…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 465 次播放

續離差的度量 (配以中文字幕)

1. 探究和推測不同情況對數據的集中趨勢所產生的影響 2. 探究不同情況對數據的離差

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More about Measures of Dispersion (Updated Version) (English subtitles available)

Explore the change of data on the effect of the central tendency and dispersion.

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 571 次播放