搜尋標籤: "festival"



   jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee 0 個讚 999 次播放

Off We Go to Stanley!

1. Identify some scenic spots in Hong Kong such as the shopping market, the beaches, and the historic buildings in Stanley, e.g., Murray House, the old Police Station 2. Describe what people do…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 1,668 次播放

Cultures Around Us

1. Give and follow more advanced instructions on how to make Japanese food and tea, and how to put on a kimono 2. Seek information and respond to enquiries about Grape Festival, an annual Italian…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 995 次播放


動物王國的議員在山洞內商討培養國民孝順父母的方法。有議員建議王國可向人類學習,設立一些鼓勵子女尊敬和孝順長輩的節日。牠們在商討的過程中介紹了有關冬至、清明節、母親節和父親節的起源和相關的活動。本節目希望喚醒同學在歡度節日時不要忘記其中的意義,包括:(i) 後人應對祖先的德行表示敬重,並銘記他們的恩情;(ii) 為人子女應孝順父母,長大後應照顧及關懷年長的父母; (iii)…

   ronson@hkecl.net 2 個讚 24,229 次播放

Say No to Chinglish! 2

~ to exchange messages through activities such as sending good wishes and greetings ~ to understand some aspects of how the English language works, including how grammar features such as the choice…

   ronson@hkecl.net 2 個讚 5,896 次播放

Chinese Festivals and Culture

This is a documentary programme that explores the culture and customs related to two Chinese festivals: the Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. 1. Customs related to the Mid-Autumn…

   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 2,936 次播放