搜尋標籤: "park"
Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 2: Shark in the Park! (English subtitles available)In this episode we get to peep through our imaginary telescopes and see what Timothy has spotted in the park. Is there really a shark in the park? Watch, sing and find out more. The episode…
3 個讚
10,684 次播放
樂在自然中 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)佳詩的同學不懂得愛護大自然:他們沒用心照顧校園內的植物,更捉蚯蚓來玩,還差點傷害了它。佳詩把這情況告訴她任職漁農護理署的父親。佳詩的父親告訴佳詩:他們之所以會這樣,是因為他們不明白大自然不單止可愛,還與我們息息相關。他建議帶佳詩及她的同學到郊外遊玩,讓他們親身感受大自然的可愛。 佳詩的父親帶他們到「香港濕地公園」、「獅子會自然教育中心」及「城門水塘」等地方參觀及遊玩。在這次愉快旅程中,他們見…
0 個讚
25,443 次播放
Marine Conservation in Hong Kong (English subtitles available)This programme explores the issue of marine conservation in Hong Kong, highlighting the threats that marine creatures faced in the seas of Hong Kong and what different organisations are doing to…
0 個讚
541 次播放