搜尋標籤: "spirit"
Introduction to Entrepreneurial Spirit (English subtitles available)This resource briefly introduces the meaning of entrepreneurial spirit and how schools can nurture students’ related qualities.
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
182 次播放
Fantastic People: Dr Allan Zeman (English subtitles available)The “Fantastic People” video series provides resource materials for primary teachers to introduce the suggested module “We Love Hong Kong” and the theme …
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
3 個讚
2,005 次播放
The Symbols of our Nation and Hong Kong SAR: the National Flag, the National Anthem and the Regional Flag (English subtitles available)This resource, in the form of a video, brings out the importance of respecting the symbols of our nation and Hong Kong SAR – the national flag, the national anthem and the regional…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
3,786 次播放
學校的活動 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)小布偶阿活和阿動是兩位「學校大使」,他們常常教導同學怎樣享受學校生活。有一次,他們遇到一位剛升上小一的同學譚子生,由於他沒有參加學校的活動,也沒有結識朋友,所以覺得學校生活很悶。阿活和阿動就跟他解釋學校活動的種類和參加學校活動的好處。經阿活和阿動鼓勵下,譚子生終於參加了一個聯歡會。阿生除了享受活動帶來的樂趣外,他更認識了一位新朋友何永春。 何永春帶他到園圃參加園藝班。但在過程中,他們又因為一…
1 個讚
21,737 次播放