03:15duration 3 minutes 15 seconds
Introduction to Entrepreneurial Spirit (English…
Introduction to Entrepreneurial Spirit (English subtitles available)
This resource briefly introduces the meaning of…
03:05duration 3 minutes 5 seconds
淺談開拓與創新精神 (中文字幕可供選擇)
15:00duration 15 minutes 0 seconds
影響商業決定的不同因素(下) Factors Affecting Business…
影響商業決定的不同因素(下) Factors Affecting Business Decisions (2) (中、英文字幕可供選擇)
07:00duration 7 minutes 0 seconds
Fantastic People: Dr Allan Zeman (English…
Fantastic People: Dr Allan Zeman (English subtitles available)
The “Fantastic People” video…