搜尋標籤: "sterilisation of used equipment and materials"
Procedures and safety precautions of sterilisation and disposal of used equipment and materials (English subtitles available)After performing microbiological experiments, it is important to sterilise the used apparatus and unwanted cultures properly before disposal, so that the environment would not be contaminated by the…
Kaylin Zhang
0 個讚
49 次播放
消毒及棄置使用過的設備和材料的程序及安全措施 (配以中文字幕)進行微生物實驗後,正確消毒及棄置使用過的設備和材料是十分重要的,以確保環境不受微生物污染。本短片介紹兩種常用的消毒方法:浸入濃度為10%的氯漂白劑溶液及高壓滅菌,並介紹如何製備及儲存氯漂白劑溶液,以及高壓滅菌的操作程序及其安全措施。
Kaylin Zhang
0 個讚
131 次播放