搜尋標籤: "triangles"
夢幻旅程兩孩童乘坐太空船漫遊太空。其後太空船發生意外,墮進黑洞。兩人醒後發覺身在一個名為平行四邊形黑暗世界裏。他們要離開這個黑暗世界便須答對三題有關平行四邊形的問題。問題如下: 1. 孩童需應用平行四邊形有兩對對邊平行及相等的知識找出下列圖形中,那個圖形是平行四邊形。 2. 孩童需在平行四邊形畫出平行四邊形的底和對應的高。 3.…
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6,894 次播放
The Secret of Patterns - TessellationStudents are guided to appreciate tessellated patterns and investigate what 2-dimensional shapes can tessellate a plane.
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1,095 次播放
More about Areas and Volumes (2)Nicole and Johnny discuss and solve the problem related to the volume of frustum, and use the relationships between sides, surfaces and volumes of similar figures.
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735 次播放