3 3 個讚 | 8,932 8,932 次播放本資源主要透過動畫、圖表和主持人解說,讓學生認識香港特區政府的理財原則、主要收支項目、影響政府收支的因素、政府與公民在公共財政的關係、香港稅制的特點,以及稅收在個人層面和社會層面的影響。 請按此觀看英文版本。
0 0 個讚 | 83 83 次播放中國歷史源遠流長,中華文化博大精深。為加深同學對中國歷史和文化的認識,教育局本年舉辦「華萃薪傳──第四屆全港小學中國歷史文化問答比賽」。是次比賽再次獲得校長會、學校議會和16位專家顧問的支持。報名人數打破以往紀錄,超過50,000位高小學生報名參加,反應熱烈。 晉身總決賽的三支隊伍同學熟讀歷史、文化、地理和經典,表現出色。
0 0 個讚 | 740 740 次播放This programme is to introduce the definitions and functions of money, the history of paper money, the functions and services of banks, and the concept of credit…
2 2 個讚 | 1,685 1,685 次播放The key features of different forms of ownership of firms, the meaning of limited liability and unlimited liability, the features of shares as well as the advantages…
1 1 個讚 | 1,288 1,288 次播放This video resource aims to introduce the principles of the HKSAR Government’s financial management, major items of government revenue and expenditure, factors…
2 2 個讚 | 5,428 5,428 次播放This video resource aims to introduce the definition of market, general features of different forms of market structure and sources of monopoly power. A hypothetical…
0 0 個讚 | 401 401 次播放1. To understand how sea waves produce different coastal landform features 2. To explain how wave deposition is affected by marine and geological factors 3. To…
1 1 個讚 | 549 549 次播放1. To understand how sea waves produce different coastal landform features 2. To explain how wave erosion is affected by marine and geological factors 3. To…
1 1 個讚 | 1,004 1,004 次播放This video resource aims to introduce three common economic concepts (GDP, unemployment and inflation) through animations and dialogue between the actors. Please click…
0 0 個讚 | 467 467 次播放This resource introduces the concept of energy balance, the evidences of global warming and how human activities have led to global warming. Please click here for the…
3 3 個讚 | 3,900 3,900 次播放本節目透過動畫和大富翁三師徒的對話,以虛構的車仔麵市場為例,解釋市場的定義、不同市場結構的一般特徵以及賣家獲得壟斷能力的原因。 請按此觀看英文版本。