0 0 個讚 | 3 3 次播放This series of videos about our country's latest development and achievements help students grasp the basic information of some related topics in Theme 1 and 2 of…
0 0 個讚 | 2 2 次播放This series of videos about our country's latest development and achievements help students grasp the basic information of some related topics in Theme 1 and 2 of…
0 0 個讚 | 13 13 次播放This series of videos about our country's latest development and achievements help students grasp the basic information of some related topics in Theme 1 and 2 of…
0 0 個讚 | 8 8 次播放This series of videos about our country's latest development and achievements help students grasp the basic information of some related topics in Theme 1 and 2 of…
0 0 個讚 | 6,689 6,689 次播放本資源介紹了與「一帶一路」倡議相關的知識和背景。學生可從多角度了解中國倡議「一帶一路」的原因,包括促進全球經濟發展、推動外交與和平、增進各國文化和資源互通等。
0 0 個讚 | 16 16 次播放This series of videos about our country's latest development and achievements help students grasp the basic information of some related topics in Theme 1 and 2 of…
0 0 個讚 | 13 13 次播放This series of videos about our country's latest development and achievements help students grasp the basic information of some related topics in Theme 1 and 2 of…
0 0 個讚 | 212 212 次播放本短片簡介2023/24學年公民與科社會發展科內地考察的學生學習成果,並感謝國家對香港學生的支持和愛護,令考察活動得以順利完成。 請按此觀看精華版短片。
0 0 個讚 | 128 128 次播放With a view to helping students understand the curriculum content of Citizenship and Social Development, the Citizenship and Social Development Section has selected some…
0 0 個讚 | 1,805 1,805 次播放為幫助學生理解公民與社會發展科課程中的內容,公民與社會發展組選取了一些基本概念,製作相關的動畫影片,以方便教師參考及使用。教師可於課堂導入、展開或鞏固階段使用片段,也可讓學生自行觀看片段作課前預習或課後複習。