00:30duration 30 seconds
優化高中四個核心科目 Optimising the Four Senior Secondary…
優化高中四個核心科目 Optimising the Four Senior Secondary Core Subjects (中文字幕可供選擇)
優化高中四個核心科目 創造空間 照顧學生多樣性 Optimising the Four Senior Secondary Core Subjects to Create Space and Cater for Learner…
02:25duration 2 minutes 25 seconds
優化高中四個核心科目 (足本版) Optimising the Four Senior…
優化高中四個核心科目 (足本版) Optimising the Four Senior Secondary Core Subjects (full version) (中、英文字幕可供選擇)
優化高中四個核心科目 創造空間 照顧學生多樣性 (足本版)Optimising the Four Senior Secondary Core Subjects to Create Space and Cater for Learner Diversity (full…
02:53duration 2 minutes 53 seconds
優化高中四個核心科目──數學科 Optimising the Four Senior…
優化高中四個核心科目──數學科 Optimising the Four Senior Secondary Core Subjects – Mathematics (中、英文字幕可供選擇)
優化高中四個核心科目 數學科──優化課程規劃 照顧學生多樣性 Optimising the Four Senior Secondary Core Subjects Mathematics – Optimising Curriculum Planning and Catering for Learner Diversity …