搜尋標籤: "population"

Learning and Teaching Series on "Geography of China" (Junior Secondary): Population (English subtitles available)

This audiobook introduces the population characteristics and population distribution in China.

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   edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying 0 個讚 218 次播放

Learning and Teaching Series on "Geography of China" (Upper Primary): Population (English subtitles available)

This audiobook introduces the population characteristics and population distribution in China.

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   edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying 0 個讚 154 次播放

誰搬走我的乳酪 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)

明白導致就業困難的個人和社會因素; 影響個人競爭力的因素

+21 更多
   ronson@hkecl.net 0 個讚 3,846 次播放

淺談經濟概念:本地生產總值、失業、通脹 (中文字幕可供選擇)


+40 更多
   ronson@hkecl.net 2 個讚 3,251 次播放

Introduction to Economic Concepts: GDP, Unemployment and Inflation (English subtitles available)

This video resource aims to introduce three common economic concepts (GDP, unemployment and inflation) through animations and dialogue between the actors.

+21 更多
   ronson@hkecl.net 1 個讚 957 次播放