企業、會計與財務概論(企業會財)是高中課程的其中一個選修科目,旨在讓學生掌握基本的商業知識和技能,建立正面的價值觀和積極的態度,以及啟發他們探索不同的商業範疇,為日後生活、學習及就業作好準備。科技已融入日常生活中,學生應了解科技高速轉變如何影響營商環境。因此,課程發展處科技教育組以商業發展的近況為題,舉辦一系列的專題研討會,以增潤本科教師和學生的知識。 Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (BAFS) is one of the elective subjects at senior secondary level. It aims to equip students with fundamental business knowledge and skills to develop their positive values and attitudes, as well as inspire them to explore different aspects of business in preparation for life, for learning and for employment. Technology has become an integral part of the daily life. Students should understand how rapid technological changes affect the business environment. In view of this, Technology Education Section of Curriculum Development Institute has been organising a series of thematic seminars on recent business development to enrich the subject teachers and students.