Composer: Mr NG Lok-shing, Ronald
Lyricist: MAK Wing-yan of Shau Kei Wan East Government Secondary School
This music video features the performance of MAK Wing-yan of Shau Kei Wan East Government Secondary School, who won the Outstanding Award in the "We Write ‧ We Sing" Music Competition with the song Myself.
The "We Write ‧ We Sing" Music Competition, co-organised by the Arts Education Section and the English Language Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau (EDB) in the 2023/24 school year, aimed to nurture students' proper values and attitudes, and enrich their language and music learning experiences. With the commissioned melodies provided by the EDB, student participants wrote lyrics and performed their songs in Cantonese, Putonghua or English.
Myself 音樂錄像是由筲箕灣東官立中學麥潁欣同學填詞及演唱,她於「我寫我歌」音樂比賽獲頒卓越獎。
2023/24 學年,教育局藝術教育組與英國語文教育組合辦「我寫我歌」音樂比賽,旨在培養學生正確的價值觀和態度,並豐富他們在語文和音樂的學習經歷。參與同學須就教育局提供的委約旋律填上粵語、普通話或英語歌詞,並配合伴奏音樂演出。