搜尋標籤: "樂觀"
Chinese Virtues from Ancient to Modern Times - Traditional Virtues and Positive Values Learning Resource Package Theme: Propriety (Junior Secondary) (English subtitles available)This learning and teaching resource enables students to understand the meaning of the traditional Chinese virtue "Propriety" and its practice in ancient and modern life through…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
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222 次播放
「感恩珍惜 同心抗疫」──中學篇 (中文字幕可供選擇)本資源以「有聲繪本」的形式,講解我們在疫情下應如何面對生活上的各種變化和挑戰。除2019冠狀病毒病主要的傳播途徑和預防方法之外,影片亦點出大家需要細心思考網上資訊的可信性,並實踐健康的生活方式,以積極和樂觀的態度面對疫情和生活;又鼓勵學生要多關心身邊的人,欣賞和感謝社會上各行各業人員為抗疫出力。
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3,216 次播放
價值觀教育學與教視像資源:蝦醬的真味──積極面對逆境 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)Tommy跟隨生意失敗的父親,從市區遷往鄉郊與爺爺同住。此舉大大改變了Tommy的生活模式,他每天晚上還要品嚐那味道「特別」的蝦醬!然而,在適應新環境的過程中,Tommy對蝦醬有另一番體會;父親也從他身上得到啟發,一家人積極樂觀地面對逆境。
2 個讚
17,897 次播放
Let's Be Grateful and Fight COVID-19 Together (for Secondary Schools) (English subtitles available)This resource, in the form of an audio picture book, introduces how we should cope with the changes and challenges in life during the epidemic. Besides the main modes of transmission of Coronavirus…
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1,813 次播放