搜尋標籤: "learning"
Once Upon A Book Storytelling Showcase Episode 8: The Thing Lou Couldn't Do (English subtitles available)In this engaging episode, we explore The Thing Lou Couldn't Do by Ashley Spires, a delightful story showcasing commitment and determination. The storyteller teams up with a puppet named Bob to…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
292 次播放
推動課程變革 培育學生全人發展(二)(中、英文字幕可供選擇)天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學致力推動課程變革,以建構「未來校園」、「幸福校園」和「社區校園」為目標,重塑學生的整體學習經歷,裝備他們迎接未來的挑戰。教師秉承辦學理念,與學生同行成長,關注他們的學習需要和身心靈健康,同時提供充裕的機會,讓學生將所學應用於真情實境之中,並通過參與社區服務貢獻社會。
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
94 次播放
推動課程變革 培育學生全人發展(一)(中、英文字幕可供選擇)天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學致力推動課程變革,以建構「未來校園」、「幸福校園」和「社區校園」為目標,重塑學生的整體學習經歷,裝備他們迎接未來的挑戰。教師秉承辦學理念,與學生同行成長,關注他們的學習需要和身心靈健康,同時提供充裕的機會,讓學生將所學應用於真情實境之中,並通過參與社區服務貢獻社會。
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
148 次播放
2023/24學年 公民與社會發展科內地考察──學生學習成果 (配以中文字幕)本短片簡介2023/24學年公民與科社會發展科內地考察的學生學習成果,並感謝國家對香港學生的支持和愛護,令考察活動得以順利完成。 請按此觀看精華版短片。
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
151 次播放
Applied Learning Section, Curriculum Development Institute, EDB participated in the Education and Careers Expo 2024 (English subtitles available)Applied Learning Section, Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau participated in the “Education and Careers Expo 2024” and set up a booth to promote and enhance the…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
31 次播放
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
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136 次播放
"In Love We Share, In Love We Grow" Animation Series – "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." (Oscar WILDE) (English subtitles available)To enrich students' English learning experiences and foster the development of proper values and attitudes through appreciating the beauty and meaning of English sayings of wisdom, the animation…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
285 次播放
"In Love We Share, In Love We Grow" Animation Series – "Friendship is a sheltering tree." (Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE) (English subtitles available)To enrich students' English learning experiences and foster the development of proper values and attitudes through appreciating the beauty and meaning of English sayings of wisdom, the animation…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
177 次播放
"In Love We Share, In Love We Grow" Animation Series – "In love of home, the love of country has its rise." (Charles DICKENS) (English subtitles available)To enrich students' English learning experiences and foster the development of proper values and attitudes through appreciating the beauty and meaning of English sayings of wisdom, the animation…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
129 次播放
規劃國民教育學習活動系列──培育校園領袖 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)學校整全和有系統地為《憲法》和《基本法》學生校園大使提供培訓,讓他們發揮領袖角色,協助教師推動各類型國民教育活動,全方位提升國民身份認同。
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
387 次播放
應用學習調適課程──服務範疇 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)應用學習調適課程是為智障學生而設的高中選修科目之一,理論與實踐並重,期望透過模擬或真實情境培養學生的知識、共通能力、價值觀和態度,幫助不同志向和能力的智障學生探索終身學習和職業發展的多元出路。在本短片中,三位曾修讀應用學習調適課程──服務範疇的畢業生,將分享他們如何透過不同的應用學習調適課程發掘興趣、培養能力,思考未來職業發展的路向,尋找屬於自己的起跑線。 請按此觀看精華版短片。
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
409 次播放
應用學習調適課程──創意學習範疇 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)應用學習調適課程是為智障學生而設的高中選修科目之一,理論與實踐並重,期望透過模擬或真實情境培養學生的知識、共通能力、價值觀和態度,幫助不同志向和能力的智障學生探索終身學習和職業發展的多元出路。在本短片中,兩位曾修讀應用學習調適課程──創意學習範疇的畢業生,將分享她們如何透過不同的應用學習調適課程認識自我,確立自己的價值,在成長路上綻放光芒。請按此觀看精華版短片。
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
296 次播放
“Applied Learning – Unleashing potential through diversified learning” (Full version) (English subtitles available)Applied Learning (ApL) is a valued senior secondary elective subject. ApL courses focus on practical learning elements linked to broad professional and vocational fields with dual emphasis on theory…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
80 次播放
【應用學習 - 多元學習展潛能】(完整版本) (配以中文字幕)應用學習是有價值的高中選修科目,課程著重實用的學習元素,與寬廣專業和職業領域連繫,實踐與理論並重。在本短片中,嘉賓會從業界/學界/家長的角度分享對應用學習的看法/學校推行應用學習的情況。 請按此觀看2分鐘版本短片。
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
285 次播放
Planning for Learning Activities on National Education Series - Science Week (English subtitles available)Through organising the Science Week, the school creates a learning environment and atmosphere for students to understand the achievements of our country in science and technology as well as develop…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
138 次播放
Applied Learning Extension Programmes for Workplace ExperienceThe Education Bureau and course providers organise the Applied Learning Extension Programmes for Workplace Experience to Secondary 5 and 6 students. The extension programmes consist of 60 hours.…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
0 個讚
112 次播放