Citizenship, Economics and Society "3-minute Concept" Animated Video Clips Series: (9) Self-esteem (English subtitles available)With a view to helping students understand abstract concepts and contents in the Citizenship, Economics and Society (Secondary 1-3) curriculum more effectively, the Personal, Social and Humanities…
edb-chengkaying edb-chengkaying
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29 次播放
動畫 Animations
個人、社會及人文教育(公民、經濟與社會) Personal 、Social and Humanities Education (Citizenship、 Economics and Society)
第三學習階段 (中一至中三) Key Stage 3 (S1 - S3)
Personal, Social and Humanities Education Section, EDB
The copyright belongs to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
22/4/2024 |