搜尋標籤: "price"
【Financial Education Animated Video Series】An Introduction to Investment Concepts (English subtitles available)This resource introduces the relevant concepts of financial management, allowing students to acquire correct financial knowledge as well as to cultivate proper values and attitudes towards money and…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
189 次播放
4 個讚
46,737 次播放
Percentages (English subtitles available)The story of the programme is about the business of a gift shop operated by three youngsters. The meaning of percent and percentage and the calculation of percentages are reviewed through the…
0 個讚
358 次播放
國民收入本節目旨在幫助修讀中四至中五經濟科課程的學生學習「本地生產總值」的課題。節目分別以圖表及動畫來解釋有關的基本概念,內容包括: - 本地生產總值的概念和定義 - 經濟活動的循環流程 - 從生產面、收入面及開支面計算本地生產總值 - 以「當時價格」及「固定價格」計算的本地生產總值 -…
0 個讚
528 次播放
香港通用的貨幣(一)七仔是一個外星人,他要獨自到地球遊歷學習,爸爸為他這次旅程準備了一個轉換器,將宇宙能量轉換成地球上任何一種貨幣。 剛來到香港,七仔差點碰跌正等候小巴的華仔,他為華仔拾回七種通用的硬幣,因而認識了每種硬幣的幣值、顏色、形狀、以及硬幣上的資料和圖案。 大家互相認識後,七仔決定跟華仔乘小巴到處逛逛,透過準備車費,他學習如何使用硬幣和兌換等值的硬幣。他們到雜貨店買糖果和明信片,又到郵政局買郵票,過程中,七…
4 個讚
48,684 次播放
Market Structure (English subtitles available)This video resource aims to introduce the definition of market, general features of different forms of market structure and sources of monopoly power. A hypothetical cart noodles market is also used…
2 個讚
5,320 次播放
Introduction to Economic Concepts: GDP, Unemployment and Inflation (English subtitles available)This video resource aims to introduce three common economic concepts (GDP, unemployment and inflation) through animations and dialogue between the actors.
1 個讚
963 次播放