搜尋標籤: "care"
Let Our Imagination Run Wild Episode 10: Isis and the Seven Scorpions (English subtitles available)In this first episode of the culture and civilisation series, we travel through the time tunnel to ancient Egypt and learn about their famous gods and goddesses, inventions that we still use today as…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
2 個讚
4,010 次播放
德育故事系列──(八) 擁有四個博士學位的人 Values Education Stories Series: (8) A Person Who Holds Four Doctoral Degrees本故事是關於一名集牧師、大學教授、管風琴專家於一身的年輕德國人在29歲那年再讀醫科去非洲傳教的事跡。 The story of a young German who is a priest, tenured university professor and pipe organ guru.He decided to study medicine from square…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
716 次播放
德育故事系列──(七)城市人都是冷漠的嗎? Values Education Stories Series: (7) Are city residents indifferent?本聲音檔從一宗影響深遠的謀殺案反思一般人怎樣深受傳媒的影響。 This sound file revisits a textbook murder case and helps audience to reflect on the impacts of media.
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
362 次播放
德育故事系列──(六)香港女兒 Values Education Stories Series: (6) The Daughter of Hong Kong故事講述謝婉雯醫生的事跡。謝醫生生於香港,在香港接受醫科訓練。她在2003年SARS疫情最危急的時候為香港犧牲了自己。 This story is about the life of Dr Joanna Tse Yeun-man. Dr Tse was born in Hong Kong. She received medical training locally.…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
1,230 次播放
Fantastic People: Professor Sung Jao Yiu (English subtitles available)The “Fantastic People” video series provides resource materials for primary teachers to introduce the suggested module “We Love Hong Kong” and the theme …
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
3 個讚
3,833 次播放
健康管理與社會關懷科實地學習博覽2021 The Health Management and Social Care Field Learning Expo 2021 (中文字幕可供選擇)健康管理與社會關懷科實地學習博覽2021,由教育局課程發展處主辦,主題為「健康與社會關懷的創新及體驗學習」,旨在讓學生展示在健康管理與社會關懷科實地學習的學習成果,並介紹健康與社會範疇的不同創新方案及體驗學習活動。是次博覽包括三部分:展覽、研討會/工作坊及傑出學生獎。 The Health Management and Social Care Field Learning…
jackieyclee edb-jackieyclee
0 個讚
520 次播放
Let's Be Grateful and Fight COVID-19 Together (for Secondary Schools) (English subtitles available)This resource, in the form of an audio picture book, introduces how we should cope with the changes and challenges in life during the epidemic. Besides the main modes of transmission of Coronavirus…
0 個讚
1,815 次播放
Animals Big and Small (English subtitles available)1. Describe simple processes and situations 2. Express basic needs and wants 3. Develop an awareness of the care and protection of animals
0 個讚
3,099 次播放
3 個讚
37,539 次播放
關愛面對經濟逆境的家人 (中、英文字幕可供選擇)1. 讓學生了解當家人面對經濟逆境(失業或即將失業)時的一些顧慮和壓力來源。 2. 提升學生面對家庭經濟逆轉時的適應能力和抗逆力。 3. 培養學生對身處經濟逆境的家人的關愛,以及讓他們認識一些可將關愛付諸實行的方法。
0 個讚
3,315 次播放